My Journey, Part 2

The Continuation...

Pregnancy was great! I was working at the time so my days were busy keeping up with daily tasks while evenings were spent relaxing and planning. Needless to say, I usually came home pretty wiped out so suppers were convenience foods. Think hamburger helper, freezer pizza, tube biscuits, etc. I laugh now looking back at those days but hey, it was a part of our journey. And gratefully I can say we've moved on from that. Our first son was born in a pretty traumatic c-section that took months for me to come back from. Fortunately, we were surrounded with a massive and amazing support system of friends and family that really carried us through that time. We were so blessed as we settled into our new 'normal'.
The Transition

Life was full and beautiful with my little boy. But we were definitely wanting to expand the family. We thought, hey, we got pregnant once. Second time should be a breeze!! Within a year we were pregnant and rejoicing only to find out a week later that I was loosing the pregnancy. I was pretty devastated and disappointed the say the least. I came through things alright but within a couple of months a deep depression was starting to sink in. Fortunately, I recognized it for what it was and sought help through a Functional Medicine practitioner. I was also introduced to essential oils through my Chiropractor. Both of these events were life changing!!!

Essential oils became a integral part of our household when I began to learn of the devastating effects of the toxins in household cleaners. I love diy projects and before long my cleaning closet was converted into the results of my latest experiments. Everything from laundry detergent to toilet bombs to hand soap. Oils, vinegar and washing soda had replaced it all. I was in love and having a blast. 

I also began to use oils instead of otc meds for colds, aches & pains, cuts & bruises, etc. It's amazing how simply you can live through the benefit of plants!!! 

Within 2 years I had the hormones under control, toxic load reduced, diet revamped and was again pregnant. That year was a lot of coping with pain of pregnancy through chiropractic, stretches and massage. But I was excited to be able to have another healthy baby boy, this time through a quick and completely natural birth. 
The Replay

Once again, my hormones took a nosedive and needing some supplementing to come back. Baby boy was also dealing with a nasty bout of eczema so we started a grain & dairy free diet which we called Paleo for the sake of easy meal planning. Changing our diet drastically reduced inflammation in my body but I was still dealing with blood sugar issues. This is when I started intermittent fasting. This changed so much for me!! I dropped so much weight, hormones really started adjusting again and insulin resistance dropped. I feel amazing now!!!

Around this time I was also introduced to a line of toxic free beauty and health care products from a company that was just getting ready to launch. I was super excited to finally find something that a) I wouldn't need to read labels of because I knew the ethics & mission of the company was clean products, b) had the option of supplementing our income so we could reach our dream of owning a home and traveling and c) could share this product with friends & family who were also on a journey of decreasing their toxic load by using healthier products. What an answer to prayer!!

So this has been a super brief synopsis of my journey and maybe some of this resonates with where you are. Be encouraged that we do have options to keep our families safer with less exposure to toxins. This time of year is another reason why this is so important. Already, families all around me are dealing with various illnesses and school has just started. Reducing your toxic load better enables your body's immune system to fight the viruses and bacteria that are all around. So honor your body and help strengthen your natural defenses!


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