Word Focus - Parabens

The What

  • Tests have shown that 99% of breast cancer tissues contain this everyday chemical.
  • This chemical is used as a preservative in antiperspirants, cosmetics, personal care products and sunscreens as well as in food and food packaging.
  • This endocrine disruptor can be absorbed through the skin, blood and digestive system.
  • Causes developmental and reproductive toxicity, allergies and immunotoxicity. 
  • The US has no regulations on this toxin.
  • Has been found in tissue of marine life.

The Why

Parabens - usually identifiable asmethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and ethylparaben. Parabens are not inactive chemicals, but rather have biological activity and act on estrogenic pathways, meaning ailments such as decreased sperm count, endometriosis, and insulin resistance are all associated with this sort of activity. In addition, they can cause early puberty and menopause. Less than 10% of breast cancers can be attributed to genetics meaning the majority of breast cancers are caused by avoidable environmental toxins. 

The How

How can we decrease exposure to parabens? Avoiding any of the ingredients listed above is a start. Unfortunately, ingredients are often left off of labels. Look for items that state 'free of parabens' or choose organic items which usually have natural alternatives for preservatives. Items made in small batches will often have safer ingredients as well.

So take some time to 'Think Pink' and address the need to potentially find safer products for you and your family and thus help to decrease exposure to cancer causing chemicals.


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