With Much Anticipation...

As I pondered forever on what my introductory post should be, I decided to keep it simple. I like simple. There's no need to throw everything out there at once. We'll go slowly and take time to unravel the journey, my story of who I am and how I got here. 

But for now I want to share something I dearly love. Plants. When I can't be outside tending to herbs, vegetables or flowers, I turn indoors to nurture the living greens. We live in such a give and take with plants. They take the indoor air and purify it into breathable oxygen that is pure and necessary for a quality life. Did you know that indoor air is the most toxic of all. It's trapped with all the chemicals being emitted from carpet, the dust and dander, appliances, cleaning products and even our mattresses which we sleep on for 8 hours emit chemicals from the flame retardants. Ugh! 

Enter the houseplant. There are several great varieties to choose from. Some require very little water or sunlight. Some are more care intensive. Some yield blooms or even fruit! So pick your plant based on where it's going in your home and the amount of time you'll be able to put into caring for it. Typically, most plants are better left alone with the exception of a weekly watering. 

Some of the most effective plants for removing toxins from the air are bamboo palms, the rubber plant, English Ivy, Boston Fern or a dwarf date palm. One of my favorites is the spider plant. They are grow beautifully and throw out flowers that then become baby plants. You simply snip off the baby plant and throw it in just a bit of water. Within a week, you'll have little roots. At this point, you can pot your little baby plant. The boys are so excited about each have their own little plant in their room. I'm excited to spread the green throughout my home and this an easy and cheap way to do so!

Mama Spider plant and her babies.

 See the little roots forming?!!

So there you have it. A beautiful little family of plants getting ready to disperse throughout the house! I'd love to hear about your plant collection and which ones you enjoy in your home.


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